In order to guarantee your peace of mind during the export shipment of machinery, we offer comprehensive industrial packaging solutions that include securing the goods for sea, road or air transport:
- in traditional transport boxes (wood, plywood, OSB),
- in reusable ecological transport boxes - reloclip,
- in shrink films, VCI films, aluminium barrier films.
We also guarantee other proven forms of specialised corrosion protectionThe system can be used to protect against dust or mechanical damage.
We will be happy to carry out the following for you demanding loading, stowage of all types of sea containers or simply share your knowledge at a meeting.
Our mission is your peace of mind, which is why we focus on providing personalised packaging solutions that work across the globe and address the unique needs of different industries. We know that each has its own characteristics, which is why we are constantly evolving
and we teach in order to meet the expectations of even the most demanding customers.
What sets us apart is the combination of different packaging methods and solutions. We combine good Polish practices and ecological packaging solutions from Sweden or England,
long-established and successful partner company Duisport Packaging Solutions in Bavaria (e.g. reusable clips, reloclip).
In our day-to-day work, especially in the case of maritime transport security, we are most likely to rely on long-established and industry-recognised security products, German packaging standards HPEand all of our packaging meets the requirements - ISPM 15 (IPPC) standards.
We are also no strangers to IATA regulations. The packaging we use is therefore also ideal for air transport. With the introduction of the reloclip, customs controls at the airport are never a problem for our customers!
When organising road transport, we cooperate with reputable hauliers specialising in the transport of oversize loads. We know how important it is for both the customers and the drivers of these companies to properly secure their loads with heat-shrinkable foil, a properly welded tarpaulin or the use of appropriate lashings made using strapping and fixing systems and conveyor belts.
We would be delighted to be your partner for complete packaging solutions. By designing and manufacturing the packaging we use in the process, we are in full control of the entire process, ensuring your final success no matter how heavy or large your loads are.
With success and incredible satisfaction, we perform services for the paper industry, automotive or heavy industry and even the extremely demanding space business.
PCG - PACKING CENTRE GDYNIA - We secure your cargo for export in the Port of Gdynia!
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We support
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We meet standards

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