
CASE STUDY - Petrochemical industry

Homepage " Petrochemical industry

Year 2021 - 2023


Relopack Sp. z o.o. had the honour of cooperating within the GIRN network on the largest dismantling project carried out in Europe at the time. We carried out the dismantling together with the marking of steel structure components and machinery of the refinery. The work took place on several floors. We also took care of export packing and containerisation. Relocation of the plant from Switzerland to Pakistan.

Project duration with Relopack team: 3 x 90 days

Project size: about 90 kilometres of pipelines, 30,000 tonnes of steel, more than 50 fuel tanks
with a capacity of around 200 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The refinery was 120 ha in size.

Maximum weight: 250 tonnes

Highest element: 70 m

Number of Relopack employees involved in this project: approximately 30 people

Project size:

About 90 kilometres of pipelines, 30,000 tonnes of steel, more than 50 fuel tanks
with a capacity of approximately 200 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
The refinery had 120 ha.
Maximum weight: 250 tonnes
Highest element: 70 m

Project duration:

Relopack teams worked on site for 3 x 90 days

A committed team:

Approximately 30 people

RELOPACK SP.Z O.O. is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds:
"Development and implementation of a design project for the company's new industrial packaging lines".

The aim of the project is: to develop the company through the development of a new design project for 2 lines of industrial packaging and its implementation in the form of new products in the company's offer.
EU funding for the project: PLN 666,750.00