Relopack Sp. z o.o. was responsible for the export packaging of the huge machine park of the relocated largest photovoltaic panel factory in Europe. The plant was relocated to the Middle East.
- production of wooden packaging at the Chludów production site,
- delivery to site,
- efficient sea packing, loading and stowage of several thousand packages in several hundred sea containers in Germany.
Project duration: 8 months
Size of the project: The scale of this order is evidenced by the fact that the production hall of this plant covered an area of 60,000 m2 and housed hundreds, fully automated machines weighing several to several tonnes. Most of this equipment required the design and construction of specialised packaging. In total, for this one order, Relopack designed more than 90 types of boxes.
Number of Relopack employees involved in the project: approximately 40 people