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relofix - certified fixing systems

Relofix straps (from 25mm / 2250 daN to 50mm / 7500 daN) with accessories are reliable tools for securing goods during transport. They are used, among others, by port operators and their stevedores in all transport units:

- in standard shipping containers,
- in flat-rack containers,
- on ships,
- in rail vehicles.

Their inflexible structure allows the load to be effectively stabilised on the pallet,
which minimises the risk of damage during transit. In addition, these tapes are also ideal for packing individual items, providing strong and stable protection. So-called "lashing" is the most effective way to secure cargo
in international transport.

Regardless of the conditions and application, our straps will adequately secure the load in accordance with the CTU Code.

We propose and select complete fixing systems (including clips or clamps) in accordance with current international standards. Also on offer banding straps for medium-duty pallet loads: resilient and flexible tapes composite, low-flexible polypropylene PP tapes, hard and tear-resistant polyester PET tapes and steel bands. 

We would also be happy to advise you on the choice of bandwagoners and its application and other packaging accessories!

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    RELOPACK SP.Z O.O. is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds:
    "Development and implementation of a design project for the company's new industrial packaging lines".

    The aim of the project is: to develop the company through the development of a new design project for 2 lines of industrial packaging and its implementation in the form of new products in the company's offer.
    EU funding for the project: PLN 666,750.00