Homepage " Products " Tarpaulins



For large-volume cargo, we provide made-to-measure tarpaulins made of good quality material and in many colours. Standard material density 650g/m2. We supply tarpaulin packaging of any size, meshed around the perimeter. If required, we can provide inspection openings.

Trust us to get you on the road with confidence, knowing that your cargo is safe in every respect. Don't forget to also ask about cargo net for heavy loads - We will also deliver it to size. Feel free to contact us!

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    RELOPACK SP.Z O.O. is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds:
    "Development and implementation of a design project for the company's new industrial packaging lines".

    The aim of the project is: to develop the company through the development of a new design project for 2 lines of industrial packaging and its implementation in the form of new products in the company's offer.
    EU funding for the project: PLN 666,750.00