Manufacturer of wooden packaging
Homepage " Products " Lamella shields


VCI corrosion protection paper provides robust protection of metal surfaces while maintaining ease of application. Its versatility and popularity make it suitable for use in a variety of industrial sectors. We offer the paper in a variety of weights and sizes, allowing the protection to be tailored to individual product needs. It is a cost-effective solution that avoids the high costs associated with damage.

Our range also includes:

VCI corrosion protection films

- spraysanti-corrosion

- anti-corrosion emitters and VCI capsules

Lamella shields are an excellent alternative to traditional methods of mechanically securing products, such as wooden covers. Compared to these, lamella covers offer greater safety for the items being protected and are more practical to use. They have no sharp edges or elements that could harm the products. They also help to reduce freight costs by reducing the weight of the load. They are ideal for protecting long loads. They simplify and speed up the packing and unpacking process. All you have to do is wrap our lamella cover around your product and clamp everything together strapping!

The cover consists of a reusable flexible material formed from vertical strips of fibreboard covered on both sides with protective papers or plastic film. The strips are available in thicknesses of 3, 4, 6, 8 mm. The material is supplied in widths from 400mm to 2400mm and in lengths of 61m (material on a roll) or 122m (material stacked in layers on a pallet).

We will be happy to advise you on the right corrosion protection for your goods. Feel free to contact us! 

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RELOPACK SP.Z O.O. is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds:
"Development and implementation of a design project for the company's new industrial packaging lines".

The aim of the project is: to develop the company through the development of a new design project for 2 lines of industrial packaging and its implementation in the form of new products in the company's offer.
EU funding for the project: PLN 666,750.00