
CASE STUDY - Wood industry

Homepage " Wood industry



One of the more interesting projects with which we ended 2023 was an assignment carried out in Romania. There, we were invited to organise and carry out the dismantling of a biomass drying line for pellet production, marking the parts, packaging and loading onto trucks.

Preparations for the road transport included securing moving parts, electrical components and seating machine parts on transport platforms and fabricated timber structures. Everything was completed successfully and the last trucks left the local plant in November. The machinery was then transported to the west.

Project volume: 45 trucks loaded, including oversized vehicles

Number of Relopack employees involved in this project: approximately 15 people, including PM, logistician, operators of telehandlers, forklifts, work platforms.

Project size:

45 trucks were loaded, including oversized vehicles

Project duration:

2 months

A committed team:

Approximately 15 people

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    RELOPACK SP.Z O.O. is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds:
    "Development and implementation of a design project for the company's new industrial packaging lines".

    The aim of the project is: to develop the company through the development of a new design project for 2 lines of industrial packaging and its implementation in the form of new products in the company's offer.
    EU funding for the project: PLN 666,750.00